Classical guitar practice 3/11/2018 (evening) – now with video


Nice guitar. Probably not nylon strings, alas.

I’m relieved. Serenade II came back to me really quickly. I played through it again from memory several times to eliminate lingering errors, but there’s still some nail buzzing. Then I reverted to an old trick…speed drills. As written, the piece has a tempo of 66 quarter note beats per minute. I kicked it up a notch, played until I got it right, if a hair sloppy, then sped up the metronome again. Rinse. Repeat until I was playing it at a tempo of 144, which is where the wheels came off. Then right back to 66 with the metronome.  Continue reading

Classical guitar practice 3/11/2018


Learning the Classic Guitar, Part Two by Aaron Shearer

The amount of dust on that poor dear (no, not the one above, my one) was a mute, yet scathing, rebuke for my negligence. A little TLC later, and I was surprised to find out that the batteries in my tuner were still good. I was even more surprised to find that the guitar had barely gone out of tune sitting silently those many months. Continue reading